Pics from Orlando
Okay, so I’m not much of a shutterbug, but I did remember to take my camera to the RWA Conference that just wrapped up in Orlando. The conference hotel was the Swan and Dolphin at Disneyworld. I got out one day for a walk of about an hour or so, but after that I didn’t have much time for exploring. Plus it was hot and muggy in a way those of us from the Pacific Northwest just aren’t used to! Every time I walked out of the hotel, my glasses steamed up. One time, I was carrying a paperback and by the time I crossed the courtyard, the cover was slippery with moisture.
Anyway, here are some pictures:

bridge and waterway between the Dolphin and Swan hotels

Fountain outside the Dolphin hotel
I think these fish are meant to look like the Baroque cartographer’s view of dolphins. Either that, or the designers needed a zoological lesson.

Shipwreck and beach at Disneyworld
Sadly, no Captain Jack Sparrow sunning himself.

The Boardwalk and faux historical buildings
Not surprisingly, there was a certain cartoon-like quality to all the architecture.

Palm trees
Okay, so I hadn’t seen palm trees that tall before. We do have a few palm trees where I live, but they’re short and stumpy.

Boat that toured the waterway
This was a cool innovation – this boat toured the major sites accessible by water. It wasn’t speedy, but the trip was beautiful.