About those paperbacks!

I’ve had some questions about ebooks versus paperbacks, so I’m writing a post in hopes that it helps readers to get the format they want. It’s a little ironic because for the longest time my Dark Forgotten series was available only in paper and now I seem to be mostly on people’s ereaders!  That’s all been fixed. I’m happy to say both series are available both ways.

Nocturne and some of the other Harlequin series have a different way of ordering paperback copies of the books.

Possessed_by_a_WolfIndividual novels are available direct from Harlequin. Click here to order an individual copy of Possessed by a Wolf.

If you prefer to shop in a store or at an online retailer like Amazon, Harlequin releases paperback two-for-one books every few months. For instance, Possessed by a Warrior and Possessed by an Immortal were bundled together. You can buy the first two books in the Horsemen series here.  These bundles are different from the ebook bundles, which can include different titles. Be sure to read the book description carefully!

Two other points to remember:  First, the release date for the two-for-one paperbacks is mid-month and NOT the same as the ebooks.  It’s a few weeks later. Second, not all stores carry the paperbacks but they will usually get them for you if you ask. Indie bookstores are usually really good about this. To be honest, it’s helpful for authors if you ask for a particular book or series, because sooner or later the stores who don’t carry us will realize there is a demand for our books. It’s one way you can help support the books you love and help your local store be more responsive to their customers.

Happy reading!

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